Using Iron with Oxide Nanosheets to Enhance Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Charge Storage

Research at Texas State University (MSI) and MSREC partner NC State demonstrated that iron oxide (g-Fe2O3) could be synthesized as a nanosheet architecture which resulted in significantly higher Li-ion capacities than nanoparticles; this work can provide enhanced cathodes for lower cost Li-ion batteries.

  • Iron oxide (i.e. rust) is very low cost but typically has a low capacity for storing Li-ionsIron oxide can be synthesized as nanosheets
  • The iron oxide nanosheets are stabilized from transformation to nanoparticles by structural H2O and ethylene glycol
  • Iron oxide nanosheets have significantly higher capacities than nanoparticles
  • Nanosheet form allows surface-based charge storage
  • Furthers our ability to design low-cost cathodes for Li-ion batteries