The vision of the University of Texas, Rio Grande (UTRGV)/University of Minnesota (UMN) Partnership for Research & Materials Education (PREM) is to develop human capital and infrastructure by bridging fundamental and engineering research on nanomaterials with innovation in the development of devices and systems for practical applications, while enhancing and strengthening representation of minority students in materials science careers.


Prescribe, Tailor, Design and Control the Mesostructures of Fine Fibers

Mircea Chipara, Arturo Fuentes, Karen Lozano, Michelle Calabrese, Christopher Ellison, Timothy Lodge, Mahesh Mahanthappa

Nanostructured Fibers for Electronic, Transport, and Energy Applications

Timothy Lodge, Andre Mkhoyan, M. Jasim Uddin, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Karen Martirosyan, Chris Leighton, Mahesh Mahanthappa


The purpose of the MRSEC Seed Program is to foster innovation and promote MRSEC growth. Awards are made to individual faculty members or small clusters in support of high risk projects or research in emerging areas.
Robert Gilkerson