The primary research aim of the Partnership for Research and Education in Superatomic and 2D Materials (PRES2M) is a better understanding of the quantum phenomena within these functional materials (2D materials and superatomic molecules) through a cyclic interplay between materials synthesis, processing, analysis and theory.  

The research will utilize “knobs” to manipulate light-matter interaction including new experimental techniques for thermal tunablity of ultrastrong coupling in 2D nanopatterned films and plasmon-enhanced conductance.   The Columbia-MRSEC has made great strides with respect to materials science of 2D and superatomic materials and applications of quantum phenomena and the proposed research plans to expand each further.  Thus, the outcomes of this Howard-Columbia partnership are expected to fundamentally impact condensed matter physics, materials science and engineering.  

By working with the MRSEC, Howard faculty and students now have access to infrastructure, new materials, and expertise in quantum materials research.  With the proposed PRE2M, there will be expanded collaboration between both institutions and additional opportunities for co-mentorship of students and postdocs, joint projects/publications and student/faculty exchanges. New education initiatives include the creation of PREM Fellowships for students in MSE-related fields to attend graduate school at Howard, new courses in Materials Science at Howard with guest lectures from Columbia MRSEC Faculty and the creation of a teacher-scholar postdoctoral fellowship program. 

Further, we aim to increase diversity at Columbia by encouraging and facilitating increased participation from PREM students and Faculty and utilizing existing structures such as the Howard-Columbia Exchange Program, the Columbia-Amazon Summer Undergraduate Research Experience and the Future Leaders in Quantum Workshop.