Collaborative Research and Education in Energy Materials (CREEM), is a NSF funded Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) Seed Grant funding collaboration between Cornell and North Carolina A&T researchers. This PREM, led by Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, a professor of Mechanical Engineering at NC A&T, will develop low-dimensional titanium oxynitride-based materials capable of supporting energy conversion reactions. 

Using materials of incredibly small dimensions (i.e., nanometer width, height, or length), researchers will develop ways to split water into oxygen and hydrogen for use in fuel cells and to use solar light in the full spectrum range to convert the sun’s energy into usable electrical energy. 

 The CREEM team will also focus on broadening the participation of underrepresented African American students in graduate education leading to terminal degrees by engaging K-16 students in innovative materials research, education, and outreach programs. 

Task 1

Materials Synthesis and Design

  • Synthesis and fabrication of novel 2D, 1D, and 0D nanostructures

  • Materials design using simulation

Task 2

A New Class of Electrocatalyst for Water Electrolysis

High-performance electrocatalysis at atomically flat LD surfaces Electrochemical capacitor storage- A new solution
Task 3


Non-hybrid visible-light responsive 2D TiNO thin films for light harvesting applications Vertically aligned radial and axial 1D TiNO nanostructures 0D TiNO nanostructures-Integrated hybrid light-emitting diodes
Task 4

Recruitment, Retention, and Degree Attainment

Partnerships with Other Colleges and Universities Direct Admission to PhD after BS Research Experience for Undergraduates Research Experience for High School Teacher/Student Teams (RETS) Digital Marketing Campaign Hosting Receptions at Professional Society Meetings Student Advancement and Retention Team (START) Professional Development Program Individual Development Plan (IDP) Written and Oral Communication Entrepreneurship Innovative Course Modules New Courses