Part of a new partnership, Hampton University will tap into Brandeis' existing research experience with respect to bioinspired soft materials, focusing on developing more targeted drug delivery systems. This PREM will increase the number of African-American women students in materials science and the proposed research will directly engage trainees, from high school students to postdoctoral fellows, in cutting-edge research that leads them to co-author publications and present research findings at conferences.

Research Area 1

Polyelectrolyte Dynamics and Hybrid Colloidal Systems

This research explores the behavior of polyelectrolytes at surfaces and within nanoscale polymer thin films created using a layer-by-layer technique. It aims to design innovative hybrid colloidal rod-polyelectrolyte multilayer systems for drug delivery applications.
Research Area 2

Light-Sensitive Amphiphilic Block Copolymers for Drug Delivery

This project focuses on fabricating micelles containing amphiphilic block copolymers that are sensitive to light. These micelles are being developed as advanced drug delivery systems to improve precision and efficacy in therapeutic applications.
Research Area 3

PREM Pilot Project for New Materials Science Research

A flexible research initiative to foster new materials science faculty at Hampton University through the PREM Pilot Project Program. This area emphasizes recruiting and supporting underrepresented minorities and women early-career faculty, while cultivating innovative research that leverages Brandeis MRSEC’s expertise in microfluidics and high-resolution single-molecule fluorescence (SMF) microscopy.