November 20, 2024

PEAQS students in the community

Sarah Schreiner, CU Boulder

PEAQS undergraduates have been busy getting out into their local communities to get K12 students interested in STEM.

NSU undergraduates helped with numerous different STEM activities at local, underserved elementary schools, including building and launching model rockets, science and innovation nights where the students make slime, experiment with liquid nitrogen, and build batteries with citrus, and STEM carnival days.

FLC undergraduates helped with the STROBE

Four Corners Travelling STEM Outreach program, which visits rural middle schools in the four corners region that are too remote for most outreach programs to visit. The students assisted teaching modules on "Water in the West" to middle school students. These modules provided hands on demonstrations on how the water they drink in their desert location gets to them and becomes safe to drink.